Phew, glad we got that out of the way. Now let’s get started with some kick-as tips and insider knowledge on How to Integrate in Denmark!
- Have Patience!
- Join a club
- When in Rome…
- Where to live
- Think about who you surround yourself with
- Explore the country
- Learn the language
- Have even more patience…..
- If everything fails
#1: Have Patience!
Rome was not built in one day and neither are relationships. Long lasting relationships that is. I’m sure you have someone in your old home country, like a really old friend, whom you know like no one else and trust with every cell in your body.
How long have you known this person? How long have you nurtured this relationship?
If this is something you’d like in the future, prepare yourself with patience and enjoy every step on the way! In the next few tips, we will look at some different ways to get in contact with potential new friends…